

Global Report Issue Two to Return in H2, 2024


Harry Hewson

Managing Director
Office, Tampa, USA
London, UK


The second edition of The Global Report, Camino Search's half-yearly roundup of investment movements and commentary, will be available to download in October, 2024.


This second edition of The Global Report, features commentary from financial journalist, Danny McEvoy, on major investment movements from H1 and H2 of 2024 across private equity, venture capital, mergers and acquisitions and IPOs, as well as inviting contributions from across the global Camino Search network.


This second edition's thought leadership contributions will explore:


  • scaling finance functions internationally
  • lessons learnt on the value creation journey
  • 'unconventional journeys' to the position of CFO
  • considerations finance leaders may want to undertake from a value creation perspective, on the business' growth journey
  • Private Equity investment in AI and business security

This second issue follows the innaugural publication of the report, released in January, 2024, reviewing investment movements from H2 of 2023



Within the first publication, Camino Search invited contributions on:

  • how investor capital has begun to impact space exploration
  • the venture capital-backed businesses which are helping to save the oceans
  • the 'buffers to buyout' - what lessons should business leaders consider when scaling businesses
  • preparing people for buyout - how to keep teams inspired and empowered with an impending merger or acquisition on the horizon


The first edition is still available to download by visiting The Global Report section of the Camino Search website, here: Camino Search | Global Reports



This second edition features commentary from financial journalist, Danny McEvoy, on major investment movements from H1 and H2 of 2024 across private equity, venture capital, mergers and acquisitions and IPOs, as well as inviting contributions from across the global Camino Search network.



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